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6,00 €6,00 EUR
5,50 €5,50 EUR
5,50 €5,50 EUR
It consists of a banana cut into elongated or round slices that are fried in hot oil. They can be eaten as an accompaniment to other dishes or on their own, covered with grated cheese or without any addition.3,90 €3,90 EUR
Made with lettuce and toasted bread, decorated with a mixture of garlic, olive oil and Parmesan cheese.6,00 €6,00 EUR
The cheese finger or commonly known by Venezuelans as tequeño is a culinary preparation that consists of a mass of fried wheat flour, filled with white or feta cheese, among other fillings.6,00 €6,00 EUR
Rustic potatoes with cheddar cheese and bacon4,20 €4,20 EUR
Arepa is a dish made with ground corn dough, popular and traditional in Venezuelan gastronomies, this starter is accompanied by sour cream.3,50 €3,50 EUR
With Fries4,50 €4,50 EUR
4,50 €4,50 EUR
8,50 €8,50 EUR
12,00 €12,00 EUR
10,00 €10,00 EUR
8,50 €8,50 EUR
15,00 €15,00 EUR
Venezuelan Specialties
Is a thin dough of bread, shortcrust or puff pastry filled with a salty or sweet preparation and baked or fried. The filling can include red or white meat,8,10 €8,10 EUR
stuffed with meat, or chicken3,80 €3,80 EUR
It consists of a large piece of flattened and fried green banana bread, which can be eaten with chicken or shredded meat. They are usually accompanied with eaten egg, cheese, some vegetables and sauces.7,80 €7,80 EUR
It is a fine cake of ground corn, with cheese and papelón (or sugar), cooked in budare; It is known throughout Venezuela but is consumed more in the central region.19,20 €19,20 EUR
Fried pork accompanied with arepa or yucca and black beans6,50 €6,50 EUR
Fast Food
5,00 €5,00 EUR
3,50 €3,50 EUR
Ham and cheese
Roast meat3,00 €3,00 EUR
It consists of a large piece of flattened and fried green banana bread, which can be eaten with chicken or shredded meat. They are usually accompanied with eaten egg, cheese, some vegetables and sauces.7,80 €7,80 EUR
stuffed with meat, or chicken3,80 €3,80 EUR
It is a fine cake of ground corn, with cheese and papelón (or sugar), cooked in budare; It is known throughout Venezuela but is consumed more in the central region.19,20 €19,20 EUR
With Fries4,50 €4,50 EUR
1,30 €1,30 EUR
1,90 €1,90 EUR
2,50 €2,50 EUR
2,20 €2,20 EUR
Sugar Cane with Lemon2,50 €2,50 EUR
1,80 €1,80 EUR
Venezolanos2,30 €2,30 EUR
White,1,50 €1,50 EUR
1,00 €1,00 EUR
Expresso2,40 €2,40 EUR
1,00 €1,00 EUR
4,50 €4,50 EUR
6,00 €6,00 EUR
5,50 €5,50 EUR
5,50 €5,50 EUR
Banana madura cortada em rodelas que são fritas em óleo quente. Podem ser consumidos como acompanhamento de outros pratos ou sozinhos, cobertos com queijo ralado ou apenas se preferir.3,90 €3,90 EUR
Feito com alface e pão torrado, decorado com uma mistura de alho, azeite, queijo parmesão.6,00 €6,00 EUR
O dedo de queijo ou comumente conhecido pelos venezuelanos como tequeño é uma preparação culinária que consiste em uma massa de farinha de trigo frita, recheada com queijo branco ou feta, entre outros recheios.6,00 €6,00 EUR
Arepa é um prato feito com massa de milho moída, popular e tradicional na gastronomia venezuelana, esta entrada é acompanhada de creme de leite.3,50 €3,50 EUR
Porco Frito acompanhado de arepa Venezuelana3,70 €3,70 EUR
Acompañado com batatas fritas4,50 €4,50 EUR
4,50 €4,50 EUR
8,50 €8,50 EUR
12,00 €12,00 EUR
10,00 €10,00 EUR
8,50 €8,50 EUR
15,00 €15,00 EUR
10,00 €10,00 EUR
Especialidades Venezuelanas
É uma massa fina de pão, massa folhada ou massa folhada recheada com uma preparação salgada ou doce e cozida ou frita. O recheio pode incluir carne vermelha ou branca,5,10 €5,10 EUR
Consiste em um grande pedaço de pão de banana verde achatado e frito, que pode ser consumido com frango ou carne desfiada. Eles geralmente são acompanhados com ovo comido, queijo, alguns vegetais e molhos.14,80 €14,80 EUR
Porco frito acompanhado con arepa o mandioca e feijao preto6,50 €6,50 EUR
Fast Food
5,00 €5,00 EUR
3,50 €3,50 EUR
It is a fine cake of ground corn, with cheese and papelón (or sugar), cooked in budare; It is known throughout Venezuela but is consumed more in the central region.4,00 €4,00 EUR
2,50 €2,50 EUR
It consists of a large piece of flattened and fried green banana bread, which can be eaten with chicken or shredded meat. They are usually accompanied with eaten egg, cheese, some vegetables and sauces.7,80 €7,80 EUR
1,90 €1,90 EUR
1,90 €1,90 EUR
2,50 €2,50 EUR
2,50 €2,50 EUR
Papelón con Limón2,50 €2,50 EUR
1,50 €1,50 EUR
Venezolanos2,30 €2,30 EUR
Branco1,00 €1,00 EUR
1,00 €1,00 EUR
Expresso0,60 €0,60 EUR
1,00 €1,00 EUR
Cuba Libre Gin Tonic Caipirinha Destornillador Sex on the beach1,50 €1,50 EUR
Servido diariamente
6,00 €6,00 EUR
5,50 €5,50 EUR
5,50 €5,50 EUR
Elaborado con lechuga y pan tostado, decorado con una mezcla de ajo, aceite de oliva, queso parmesano.6,00 €6,00 EUR
Papas Rusticas con queso fundido y tocineta4,20 €4,20 EUR
3,50 €3,50 EUR Agotado
Acompañdo de papas fritas4,30 €4,30 EUR Agotado
4,50 €4,50 EUR
Porco Frito acompanhado de arepa Venezuelana3,70 €3,70 EUR
8,50 €8,50 EUR
12,00 €12,00 EUR
10,00 €10,00 EUR
8,50 €8,50 EUR
15,00 €15,00 EUR
Cochino frito acompañado con arepa o yuca y caraotas negras6,50 €6,50 EUR
Empanadas, Arepas y Especialidades Venezolanas
It consists of a large piece of flattened and fried green banana bread, which can be eaten with chicken or shredded meat. They are usually accompanied with eaten egg, cheese, some vegetables and sauces.7,80 €7,80 EUR
Con queso Llanero y mantequilla11,80 €11,80 EUR
Comida Rapida
3,50 €3,50 EUR
Jamon y queso
Carne Asada
Frutos del Mar3,00 €3,00 EUR
It consists of a large piece of flattened and fried green banana bread, which can be eaten with chicken or shredded meat. They are usually accompanied with eaten egg, cheese, some vegetables and sauces.7,80 €7,80 EUR
2,20 €2,20 EUR
1,90 €1,90 EUR
2,20 €2,20 EUR
2,50 €2,50 EUR
Papelon con Limon2,50 €2,50 EUR
Cocacola Lata
Sumol Lata
7up Lata
Nestea Lata1,50 €1,50 EUR
Venezolanos2,30 €2,30 EUR
Blanco1,20 €1,20 EUR
0,90 €0,90 EUR
Expresso0,75 €0,75 EUR
1,00 €1,00 EUR
Cuba Libre
Gin Tonic
Sex on the beach3,50 €3,50 EUR
Pedidos: RestaurantsOrders
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